Thursday 8 May 2008

Questionnaire to end module

Age? - 22 Years
Sex? - Female
What is your degree subject (both if joint)?
Social Care and Early Childhood Studies

Does ‘Being Bad’ relate well to the other modules you are taking?
It relate to my modules a little but not very much

If so, how? And if not, why not?
The module is mainly in regards to behaviour which links with Social Care and Early Childhood Studies by the behaviour or children and service users. It does not relate a great deal but I think that it was an interesting module to take. It can help me to think about the behaviour individuals’ show towards others.

Have you found ‘Being Bad’ too demanding, too easy, or at an appropriate level?
‘Being Bad’ was at an appropriate level, I don’t think that it was easy because the assignments I felt were a bit difficult, but it was not too hard to understand.

Do you think the list of topics covered on the module was appropriate?

It covered aspects of ‘being bad’. Everyone has their own opinions but I thought the topic were relevant. It can be difficult what to include as there are many aspects and factors associated with ‘being bad’

Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
I don’t think so. I think that the topics that we did cover were interesting to learn about, as there were some area and factors I would consider not to be bad.

Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?

What did you think of the module team?
The module team were interesting and put their topic across quite well to give their lecture.
Do you think it would have been better to have had more:

Small group discussions?
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
Information and talk from lecturers?

I think the way that we had lectures were fine, they were set out quiet well and covered quite interesting topics. I don’t think having more small group discussions would have made the module better because everyone has their own opinion and either they agree or disagree. If we had discussions and debates amongst the whole group I think that it may have caused problems because some people have very strong views. Some conversations may have become quite heated.

The information that lecturers did provide was relevant and appropriate to the session. We received the correct amount of information in each session that was relevant to the topic and that was at a suitable level for us to understand.

The approach taken in the module is interdisciplinary (drawing on perspectives from English Literature, Film Studies, Creative Writing, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Media Studies and Politics): do you think this a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
It is useful, as it encourages you to understand ‘being bad’ from different perspectives

Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?

It is an interesting method to use to learn, however as it is linked with other subjects, maybe looking at a wider approach may be better.

Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken in the module?
I think so, as it has helped me to understand the content in each session broken down and developed my knowledge.

Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
It would be an interesting topic to cover to improve everyone’s knowledge about behaviour.

Are you planning to take the follow-up module PH2004 ‘It Shouldn’t Be Allowed’ at level 2?
No, as it is not included in my module choices.

Would you recommend ‘Being Bad’ to a friend?
Yes, as it was interesting to understand and see different aspects of bad behaviour,

Do you think that the blogs (web logs) were a good idea?
Each entry only took a few minutes and it also allows individuals to give their own opinion and feelings on the matters. They can also choose to evaluate their lecture describing what they thought. It is interesting to express your own and see others views of topics.

What did you think of the other assessments (e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?)?
Two shorter assessment means that I had more time to complete them and I enjoyed the style for example the short stories. I enjoyed making up a story, using one of the sentences as a basis to create a story. It was something different to what I appear to be doing all the time. I liked that style of assessment.

What have you learned from the module?
I have learnt that there are many aspects to ‘being bad’ than I thought and I think that it is an interesting module to take. It was interesting to see why some people think things are bad. Some of the topic’s you tend to forget or ignore that they are bad, however this module helped me to learn that there are more factors that are classed as ‘bad’. You don’t know really think about things that are ‘bad’, however the module has learnt me that I may ignore some things that happen but they are still there and sometime the after results are not good and can even have consequences

What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
The lectures were useful because of the content of information. However I think that the assignments were more interesting because you had to research the topic to understand the factors involved in it.

What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
I don’t really think that any of it was a waste of time. Some information I felt was not relevant to me personally but that just my opinion. Some of the topics were interesting, and maybe others found that they were not.

Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding ‘Being Bad’?
I think that ‘Being Bad’ was an interesting module to take and I am glad that I have done it. I was surprised some of the topics were included as I personally don’t see them as bad. I really enjoyed the module and the assignments, especially the short story. I thought that was really interesting to do. The module was interesting to see other’s thoughts and opinions on the matters.

Wednesday 7 May 2008


There are many teenagers/children who truant from school. Some truant because they find it fun, some may do because they are being bullied and some may do it because they have no interest in school/education. Some children who truant may commit crimes, which can be seen as another factor of bad behaviour.

Truancy can be seen as bad behaviour because it means that children/teenagers are missing out on their education, which they are entitled to receive. Education can be seen an essential part of learning. Truanting all the time is bad because at least if you are at school, you are learning something. However by truanting you are not learning or benefiting and you may even become involved in crime related activities, which is not a good thing. Truancy means you are missing out on learning and gaining knowledge about society and is seen as a bad thing because it may lead to children/teenagers carrying out bad behaviour such as violence.

This is a website suitable for parents; it can help them to prevent their children from truanting. It gives parents advice on working with agencies to try and tackle these problems. This is because truancy may also affect the parents as it is their legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly.

Tuesday 6 May 2008



A lot of people see prostitution as bad. This is a difficult topic to discuss because although prostitutes are selling themselves for money, there may be reasons behind why they are doing this.

I don’t think that it is appropriate to sell your self on streets or anywhere to be honest but is prostitution their way of trying to earn money. Prostitution can be seen as another job. There are risks in prostitution, you are selling your body, however there are some individuals who take advantage of that, for example rape. I think no matter what your job is, no-one deserves to be raped.

Prostitution is seen as performing sexual acts. Some children are also involved in prostitution for money and are made to, by adults. Children who are made prostitutes may have long term affects on their health and development, they may experience bad things and I think that this is a big factor as to why prostitution is seen as bad.

I think that people should not sell themselves and should have a little more respect for themselves. Some may do, but do they really have enough respect for themselves if their body is the only way they can make money???

This link is in regards to encouraging a debate about prostitution to making individuals aware.

Monday 5 May 2008


Drugs can be taken in various ways for example, swallowed, smoked, inhaled and injected. Some drugs are illegal and this may be a reason why people choose to take drugs. People do bad things purely because they are forbidden and it is exciting to try to experience it. I think if drugs were made legal, not many people would take it. However even if some drugs were made legal there are some people who would decide not to take them because they are aware of the consequences. Some people take drugs because of peer pressure and some take drugs because they may be stressed. There is a lot of information about drugs and the risks involved which individuals are aware of, yet they still choose to do drugs.

Drugs are a subject which is seen as bad and I think that most of them are. If someone wants to take drugs then it is up to them, as they know what’s involved and the side effects that may occur. Drugs can alter the way the body works for example behaving inappropriately. Medicines are drugs but they are legal and are suitable to help you get better. However there are drugs that are not legal and can cause real damage to your health.

Illegal drugs can include cocaine, ecstasy, heroine and these are just to name a few. Many people can become addicted to drugs, which can change how they behave and act. They may become desperate to have drugs and may hurt others who get in the way, especially if they need money to pay for them. Drugs can affect a person’s behaviour which in turn may affect those close to them. The affects and behaviour a person has when taking, drugs may be the reason that they are seen as bad especially if others become hurt in the process.

This is a website designed for individuals to talk to some one anonymous if they have a drug problem. It is designed to give information about all drugs.

Sunday 4 May 2008

Response comment to Louise Wellings entry about body modification

Anisha said...
I don’t agree with what you are saying that in today’s society, men are more body conscious. I don’t think that it is just men that are body conscience so are women, for example I would say I am. I go to the gym to get fit and so do many women. I don’t think it is just a male thing. I don’t think that all females’ diet, yes it appears that more women probably may do, but I think men probably diet just as much. I think that men dieting is seen as weak and it not made as much of a big issue as female dieting. I think this is the reason why women are seen as ‘always dieting’ rather than men. I agree with what you are saying that people feel that changing their look will bring happiness but I don’t think that all people do this. It may make them feel better but you are right it won’t bring happiness.

04 May 2008 08:53


There are people who like a drink, people who don’t drink, people who socially drink and then there’s some who drink excessive amounts. Alcohol can be good for you, for example red wine is seen as being good for your health, to help with the heart. However, this needs to be drank in moderate amounts. Individuals who binge drink are at risk of causing damage to their health, for example liver damage

Some people believe that alcohol can bring happiness and that it can help people have a good time. I don’t drink and I have a good time when I’m out so why do people feel that alcohol helps. I think personally, that it is all in the mind. I think it is an individual’s personal choice if they want to drink. I think that when drinking moderate amounts it is fine, however when drinking excessive amount, this is when it can become a problem. When people drink excessive amounts, some people do not know what is happening and their behaviour changes. This can lead to them behaving and acting inappropriately, for example being violent towards others and committing crimes. This may even lead to them being arrested because of their behaviour. This can sometimes be the affect alcohol has on some individuals.

Drinking and driving is bad and sometimes when individuals drink excessive amount, they think that they can drive but they do not realise that they can’t, as it is against the law to drink and drive. Drinking and driving can cause accidents not just to the person drinking, but it may also be to passers by. This is why drinking is seen as bad behaviour; because people drink and think that they are fine to carryout duties although the alcohol has actually affected their thought process.

The link to the web page provides individuals with the opportunity to read about alcohol and to also learn about the benefits and risks. The site also provides the recommended amount that individuals should drink and allows to understand about the units count for drinks.

Friday 2 May 2008


Crime – This is a big topic to cover. There are so many factors involved with crime it is a wide area. Committing crimes can be classed as braking the law or rules. Some of the types of crime can include burglary, criminal damage, fraud, robbery, drug related offenses, sexual related offenses, theft and violence. Crime is doing some thing classed as ‘bad’. I think people who commit crimes are not nice people, why would you want to commit a crime. I don’t really understand why people find it fun; I just see it as wrong. Some of the crime people commit hurt others and I really don’t understand the fun in that. I just think that crime is taking or using something that not your and that is not really fair on others is it?

This website is for people to report others they have seen commit crimes, which they can do anonymously. Crimestoppers is an agency which helps and works with the public to try and reduce the rate of crime occurring in areas all over the world.


Lying can be seen as bad and good. Some people lie intentionally to get what they want and some unintentionally to protect others. I think that at some point in people’s life, everyone lies. I’m not saying that it is right to lie but I do think that sometimes it is necessary to protect others from getting hurt.

Lying is a big topic which many people have opinions on, but personally lying to protect people isn’t really that bad.

I think that each person has a perfect image in their head about themselves and others and I think when people hear that things are not going the way they want them to, or that they don’t look a certain way, this can dishearten them and may cause problems. Lying is bad but sometimes it is necessary, so that others don’t get hurt.

This website is good, as it allows people to find out how to detect lies, for example through interaction and body language. This is useful because it can help you to tell whether someone is being honest with you or lying.

Thursday 1 May 2008

Response comment to Venessa's blog about youth crime

Anisha said...
I don't agree with everything that you have written. The way that you have written this entry implies that all children are bad and this is not the case. This may not have been what you were trying to imply but thats the impression I got from reading this. Not all children are bad, ok i do agree that there are some children out there who are really bad ok, maybe evil to do some of the things that they have, but this is not all children. The media also makes a big issue of children being bad but there is never any mention of the children who behave and do good.I don't think society does have a problem with youth crime but i agree there are issues. No-one is ever really going to understand why these children do bad things but it could be that they have psychological problems and thats the reason why they do it. Children probably don't have good influences but i guess that people in the lives don't suggest they do bad things such as killings. Youth crime is an issue i agree and something does need to be done about it but i don't think anyone is really going to understand why some people do bad things are they??

01 May 2008 16:17

Monday 28 April 2008


Religion can be a personal matter to many people. Each individual is unique and have their own beliefs. They have a right to pray wherever they want, however I personally think that people beliefs and cultures should not influence others. If you want to pray, then do so, but there is no need for you to preach at others. I think that we should all respect each others views of religion, regardless of whether we agree because surely they have a right to believe what they want to believe; the same way we believe what we believe.

Your are happy praying and understanding your own religion and you did so out of your own choice, so why force your religion upon others?? What individuals want to believe and who they want to pray to surely is an individuals own choice isn’t it???

This website allows individuals to learn about their own religion and well as others. This can allow people to learn and understand about other religions and cultures and may encourage them to accept others views.

Friday 25 April 2008


Some individuals can be religious and can sometimes try to influence others. When we had our lecture, the lecturer decided to start with a prayer, he said “let’s pray”. I would understand this if everyone was the same religion or culture, but we are all different. We have different beliefs, religions and cultures. I was shocked when he started the prayer because I did not want to pray and felt that he affected my rights because he just started saying the prayer, not taking into consideration anyone else’s feelings.

After the prayer he admitted he just did it as a ‘joke’ and then I was really shocked and felt it was wrong to do that. I personally do not think that was right. The lecturer appeared too preach the prayer to everyone but was everyone interested in praying???

This website allows individuals to be able to learn and read about religions rather than just their own.

Monday 21 April 2008

Comment to Rachel's post on shoplifting

I agree with what you say that people shoplift for a number of reasons. To some extent people shoplift for good reasons, but shoplifting is taking something that is not yours and surely that is not right?? Reasons such as being homeless and starving are still not good enough reasons to shoplift. It is still breaking the law because what you are taking is someone else's. You can relate to people's actions to why they shoplift but surely it is not right to take something that not yours because someone has worked really hard to get that, so why should it be taken away from them, when they have done the right thing. However some people are selfish because they shoplift for reason such as funding habits such as drugs which is bad and they are shoplifting for fun but is it???

Friday 18 April 2008

Comment on Liz's entry on Infidelity

Anisha said...
I do not think that infidelity is just flirting. You are right, i agree that anything from a snog can be seen as cheating and i think it is too. However, you have put that people should just end an relationship if it is going nowhere but it isn't that easy is it?? What if they have kids, i understand they should not be together just for the children's sake but it isn't that easy to end it. It is good to have a clear conscience who wouldn't want to, but it is difficult especially for the victim. The person who cheats is wrong to do it but what if it is one-off then what, you still end the relationship??Infidelity is wrong, I do agree but i think the two people need to talk and see why it happened instead of just ending the relationship, because there may be more people to think about. Although it may be going no where there sometimes more things to think about, ending it may not be the answer but i think talking about it could be

18 April 2008 10:29

Comment on Danni's blog about body modification.

Anisha said...
I agree with what you are saying about tattoo's being an individuals choice because surely a person should have the right to choose whether they would like to modify their body. I also agree that yes some modifications do look silly but your right people must have their reasons. Some modifications do look nice though, I guess it is all about a person's preference.

Wednesday 16 April 2008

Response to comment

My Comment in relation to Zahra's comment:
I agree to some extent with what Zahra is saying, however not that it is acceptable but sometimes infidelity can happen unintentionally. It is wrong to cheat on someone you love but if someone does cheat they are aware of the risk and consequences involved. Zahra's opinion on relationships being a commitment is right, however sometimes people are in relationships for the wrong reason but even still does that mean they should cheat?
10 April 2008 17:11

Zahra's comment
INFIDELITY Infidelity can be seen in very different ways and some people may see it as being wrong were as others may disagree. As a personal opinion I think it is wrong to cheat on someone you love and care for. If you have made a commitment to someone there is no need to go against them to please yourself because they should be the person you turn to what ever the circumstances.[Photo]
posted by Zahra at 16:04 on 14-Mar-2008


Liz’s comment to my blog about smoking being a dificult subject is right. I don’t mind people smoking around me but I agree with Liz that discretion would be nice especially with small children because second hand smoking is not good and can even be dangerous for them. The smell of smoke can be a little off putting but I do not think that its fair that people stand right by the doors so you have to walk either through them or around them just to get in, but then is this due to the ban? Did people smoke that close before the ban or have we realised it now after the ban has been put in place??

Tuesday 15 April 2008


Some people either love or hate comedians. Many comedians I think are funny, however sometimes I don’t get their jokes so I don’t see it as funny. Bernard Manning was a comedian who’s material included discussing minority and ethnic groups which was seem as racist. The material comedians use can sometimes be seen as controversy. The material they may use may be based upon religions, cultures; ethnic minorities etc and some individuals may feel that these jokes are aimed at them or at a specific group which may not be true. Jokes are meant to be funny and shouldn’t be taken seriously. Jokes don’t necessarily have to be true and individuals may be laughing at the structure. Using inappropriate words are seen as funny because the words may be seen as forbidden and by saying one of these words can make people really laugh.

Thursday 10 April 2008

Body Modification

It should be an individuals choice to modify their body. There are many stories that you hear about the risks such as pain, infections, wrong designs. If individuals are aware of the risks then surely they should have the right to choose the way they would like to change their body. Body Modification such as tattoo's and piercings can look nice. I personally think that some tattoos and piercings can look good but not all. However is body modification purely for fashion purposes to look attractive or do individuals have reasons as to why they have chosen to modify their body. Body Modification can affect an individuals self-esteem as they may feel confident just by changing their body. So a question to think about is, can body modification always be seen as a bad thing?

This website allows individuals to observe the types of modification there are. There is also a forum available which allows indviduals to ask any questions so they are sure they want to modify their body

Monday 7 April 2008

Body Modification

Body Modification is about changing the body from its natural state. People choose to modify their body for various reasons for example to look nice, religious reasons, fashion etc. I would not have linked body modification with religion but as I have learnt, body modification can be a part of a person's religion for example, circumcision. I related body modification to changing the body for example tatoo's and piercing and as I have learnt there is more to it. Plastic surgery can also be apart of body modification because you may be changing what you have. People choose to modify their body for a various reasons, however sometimes it can cause infections which can also lead to death. People who choose to modify their body may sometimes be forced or it may be their own choice. Modifying the body like tatoo's can look nice but can be painful also. It should be a individuals choice if they want to change their body, as they shoud be aware of the risks involved.

This sit mainly talks about piercings and tattoo's. It gives the view of a lady who has a forked tongue which i think is useful as it gives her opinions, which when people read, it can help them understand and decide independently

Thursday 27 March 2008


Bandits can be seen as individuals who do bad things. Bandits can be in a group or it can be just one person. At present the word bandit is not really used, names such as thieves or robbers are more commonly used. Robin hood was seen as a social bandit as he stole from the rich to give to the poor.

Bandits can be see as 'bad' individuals involved in violence or crime. However robin hood (bandit) was seen as a good person because he was helping others although he was stealing. The noble robber stole from the rich to help those who were less fortunate

Monday 17 March 2008

'Tales of Adultery' (Article)

When i read the article i thought that it was interesting to see a variety of opinions about lives and marriages, with regards to adultery. I think that it is a good idea to see the reasons why people commit infidelity. The Article was interesting because it gave all three people who are involved in infidelity their opinions, for example the wife's, the husband's and the mistress'. It showed how they were aware of the conseqences and what would happen yet they still had their reasons why they did what they did. The Article was good to see the mistress and the wife explain their views and opinions because more than often the mistress is seen as the main person to blame. However i feel it is down to the individuals involved who are at blame, as the mistress may not know that the person is married. It was interesting to see the thoughts and opinions of the people involved in the relatiobship and the reasons why infidelity was committed.

Sometimes people who committ adultery may have done so unintentionally, however there are some people who choose to cheat to get back at their partner or see it as enjoyment. Infidelity is seen as bad, as it is one person cheating on their partner with another person without their partner knowing.
This site discusses adultery in marriage which relates to the article being about a married couple. The site provides information about marriage and adultery seen by the christian church

Thursday 13 March 2008


The Film "Kids" i felt was surprising to watch. Some of the things that happened in the film such as the rape scene is bad. I was a little shocked to see that the boy enjoyed taking away so many girls virginity as a young age. He actually had HIV which he didnt know about, He had unprotected sex with many girls and was passing HIV on which they did not know about. The girl who found out that she had HIV was devastated. I think that the film was bad because of what the children did, however the consequences of their actions should have been made more clearly.


Smoking is a big factor which i think everyone has an opinion on. On the cigarette packet, there is a message that say "smoking kills" so smokers are aware of this. It is then their choice whether they choose to smoke as it clearly states that it can kill. Smokers like everyone else knows that by smoking you are taking a risk because it is a risk that smoking may cause cancer. However you also take risks everyday as you never really know what is going to happen.
This site is mainly for teeenages providing them with the consequences of smoking. However it can be suitable for anyone. Although the site discusses health problems with smoking, individuals have the choice to read the advice and take it into consideration or choose to ignore it.


Stalking is watching and observing a person's everyone move. Stalking is watching what people do, where they work, where they live. It is about knowing everything they do without them knowing about which includes knowing confidential information about them. Stalking can be seen as invading a person private life. Stalking is bad because it is watching someone who does not know that they are being watch. - This site can provide those who have been stalked, with guidance and advice on how to cope,


It is difficult to determine whether shoplifting is a good thing or bad. By this i mean the intended reasons as to why people shoplift can either be good or bad, for example, people may shoplift because it is their way to support their family, so is this bad? however on the other hand, shoplifting is still taking something thats not yours so surely it is bad!!

Thursday 28 February 2008


Smoking is such a big topic for everyone. Some people smoke occassionally, some people have never smoked, some people are social smokers and some people have tried it at least once. There are alot of views and opinions made about smoking especially in the media, there is a big issue made about smoking. If people want to smoke then surely it is a choice option, they are aware of the affects so its up to the individual to make the decision.


I think that infidelity is a very varied topic to discuss as many people have many different views. Infidelity can be seen in a variety of ways for example, some people may see kissing as infidelity, whereas some people feel infidelity is cheating on a partner. Is infidelity and adultery the same or is it seen as different. There are people who are married or in long relationships who committ adultery by having affairs, but how long do these affairs really last, long term? or short term? Is a one night stand classed as infidelity. Everyone has
This site gives advice to those who feel that they are being cheated on by looking for any signs. It allows advises individuals on how to cope with being cheated on.

Thursday 21 February 2008

Place to visit

A suitably bad place to go to would be the mortuary. I think this because, it is a place which not many people like and may become scared when inside because of whats around. The mortuary would be interesting because it would mean that people may become scared because they imagine or see figures and images walking past which may spook them out.
This site allows individuals to see the type of equipment that you are liekly to see in mortuarys