Wednesday 7 May 2008


There are many teenagers/children who truant from school. Some truant because they find it fun, some may do because they are being bullied and some may do it because they have no interest in school/education. Some children who truant may commit crimes, which can be seen as another factor of bad behaviour.

Truancy can be seen as bad behaviour because it means that children/teenagers are missing out on their education, which they are entitled to receive. Education can be seen an essential part of learning. Truanting all the time is bad because at least if you are at school, you are learning something. However by truanting you are not learning or benefiting and you may even become involved in crime related activities, which is not a good thing. Truancy means you are missing out on learning and gaining knowledge about society and is seen as a bad thing because it may lead to children/teenagers carrying out bad behaviour such as violence.

This is a website suitable for parents; it can help them to prevent their children from truanting. It gives parents advice on working with agencies to try and tackle these problems. This is because truancy may also affect the parents as it is their legal responsibility to ensure their child attends school regularly.

1 comment:

Nusarat said...

I agree with you that it affects children's education. I have come across parents who encourage children to take time off school which I think is bad and as a result there work suffers. I have seen children fall behind, struggle and under achieve because they are not attending school.