Monday 5 May 2008


Drugs can be taken in various ways for example, swallowed, smoked, inhaled and injected. Some drugs are illegal and this may be a reason why people choose to take drugs. People do bad things purely because they are forbidden and it is exciting to try to experience it. I think if drugs were made legal, not many people would take it. However even if some drugs were made legal there are some people who would decide not to take them because they are aware of the consequences. Some people take drugs because of peer pressure and some take drugs because they may be stressed. There is a lot of information about drugs and the risks involved which individuals are aware of, yet they still choose to do drugs.

Drugs are a subject which is seen as bad and I think that most of them are. If someone wants to take drugs then it is up to them, as they know what’s involved and the side effects that may occur. Drugs can alter the way the body works for example behaving inappropriately. Medicines are drugs but they are legal and are suitable to help you get better. However there are drugs that are not legal and can cause real damage to your health.

Illegal drugs can include cocaine, ecstasy, heroine and these are just to name a few. Many people can become addicted to drugs, which can change how they behave and act. They may become desperate to have drugs and may hurt others who get in the way, especially if they need money to pay for them. Drugs can affect a person’s behaviour which in turn may affect those close to them. The affects and behaviour a person has when taking, drugs may be the reason that they are seen as bad especially if others become hurt in the process.

This is a website designed for individuals to talk to some one anonymous if they have a drug problem. It is designed to give information about all drugs.

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