Friday 2 May 2008


Lying can be seen as bad and good. Some people lie intentionally to get what they want and some unintentionally to protect others. I think that at some point in people’s life, everyone lies. I’m not saying that it is right to lie but I do think that sometimes it is necessary to protect others from getting hurt.

Lying is a big topic which many people have opinions on, but personally lying to protect people isn’t really that bad.

I think that each person has a perfect image in their head about themselves and others and I think when people hear that things are not going the way they want them to, or that they don’t look a certain way, this can dishearten them and may cause problems. Lying is bad but sometimes it is necessary, so that others don’t get hurt.

This website is good, as it allows people to find out how to detect lies, for example through interaction and body language. This is useful because it can help you to tell whether someone is being honest with you or lying.

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