Tuesday 6 May 2008



A lot of people see prostitution as bad. This is a difficult topic to discuss because although prostitutes are selling themselves for money, there may be reasons behind why they are doing this.

I don’t think that it is appropriate to sell your self on streets or anywhere to be honest but is prostitution their way of trying to earn money. Prostitution can be seen as another job. There are risks in prostitution, you are selling your body, however there are some individuals who take advantage of that, for example rape. I think no matter what your job is, no-one deserves to be raped.

Prostitution is seen as performing sexual acts. Some children are also involved in prostitution for money and are made to, by adults. Children who are made prostitutes may have long term affects on their health and development, they may experience bad things and I think that this is a big factor as to why prostitution is seen as bad.

I think that people should not sell themselves and should have a little more respect for themselves. Some may do, but do they really have enough respect for themselves if their body is the only way they can make money???

This link is in regards to encouraging a debate about prostitution to making individuals aware.

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