Sunday 4 May 2008


There are people who like a drink, people who don’t drink, people who socially drink and then there’s some who drink excessive amounts. Alcohol can be good for you, for example red wine is seen as being good for your health, to help with the heart. However, this needs to be drank in moderate amounts. Individuals who binge drink are at risk of causing damage to their health, for example liver damage

Some people believe that alcohol can bring happiness and that it can help people have a good time. I don’t drink and I have a good time when I’m out so why do people feel that alcohol helps. I think personally, that it is all in the mind. I think it is an individual’s personal choice if they want to drink. I think that when drinking moderate amounts it is fine, however when drinking excessive amount, this is when it can become a problem. When people drink excessive amounts, some people do not know what is happening and their behaviour changes. This can lead to them behaving and acting inappropriately, for example being violent towards others and committing crimes. This may even lead to them being arrested because of their behaviour. This can sometimes be the affect alcohol has on some individuals.

Drinking and driving is bad and sometimes when individuals drink excessive amount, they think that they can drive but they do not realise that they can’t, as it is against the law to drink and drive. Drinking and driving can cause accidents not just to the person drinking, but it may also be to passers by. This is why drinking is seen as bad behaviour; because people drink and think that they are fine to carryout duties although the alcohol has actually affected their thought process.

The link to the web page provides individuals with the opportunity to read about alcohol and to also learn about the benefits and risks. The site also provides the recommended amount that individuals should drink and allows to understand about the units count for drinks.

1 comment:

Shoker1 said...

i totally argree with the point that drinking and driving is bad, being drunk and walking can be hard enough let lone driving.
I do think the government keep going on about binge drinking isnt helping the situation, on the one hand having longer opening hours and 24hour drinking (inorder to get more money for themselves) and then complaining people are drinking. in my experience people are not drinking more, before when the club would close at 2 people would leave at 10 but now they are open until 3 or sumtimes 4 and now people leave at 11 or even 12.