Thursday 13 March 2008


The Film "Kids" i felt was surprising to watch. Some of the things that happened in the film such as the rape scene is bad. I was a little shocked to see that the boy enjoyed taking away so many girls virginity as a young age. He actually had HIV which he didnt know about, He had unprotected sex with many girls and was passing HIV on which they did not know about. The girl who found out that she had HIV was devastated. I think that the film was bad because of what the children did, however the consequences of their actions should have been made more clearly.

1 comment:

Zahra said...

Yes I agree with you that the behavior of the children was unacceptable. I think the whole idea is that the children are unaware of the affect that their behavior is having on other people because they are in some sort of bubble were they can do what they think is right regardless to weather it is good or bad. The actions of individuals are made clear to us as the audience and characters such as the girl who has HIV but it is too late for her to do anything about it. I think the reason for this is that there are no parents to tell the children off.